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The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM, 2024) is the eighteenth biennial meeting that fosters interactions between mathematics, theoretical computer science, and artificial intelligence. 

The International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA'24) is the twenty-second in its series providing theoretical foundations and methods for solving problems appearing in a wide range of application areas based on continuous models requiring numeric computation. 

ISAIM-2024 And IWCIA'24 will be collocated, and registration entitles attendees to full crossover between sessions.

*  To register, please scroll below to see icons.

Plenary Speakers:      Edith Elkind, Oxford University, United Kingdom
                                   Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami, United States

                                   Susan Schneider, Florida Atlantic University


Registration Fees and Cancellation Policy

  • Registration rates before 11:59 p.m. on Sun., Dec. 10, 2023:
Regular registration: $520
(includes banquet)
Student registration: $415
(includes banquet)
Guest banquet: $100
  • Registration rates increase at 11:59 pm on Sun., Dec. 10, 2023:
Regular registration:  $540 Student registration:  $415 Guest banquet:  $110
  • Registration rates increase at 11:59 pm on Thurs., Jan. 4, 2024:  
Regular registration:  $560 Student registration: $430 Guest banquet: $120
  • Cancellation Policy
Cancellation fee before Sun., Dec. 31, 2023, is $ 50.00 for regular registrants.
Cancellation fee before Sun., Jan. 31, 2024, is $ 30.00 for student registrants.
Cancellation fee on or after Tues., Feb. 2, 2024, is 20% for all registrants.
No refund for cancellations once the Symposium begins on Mon., Jan. 8, 2024.

If you have a question about ISAIM 2024, please email at isaim-l@lists.ou.edu.

International Symposium on AI and Mathematics
