Welcome to Florida Atlantic University Marketplace

Welcome to Marketplace for FAU High School.

  • 2025-2026 Annual Student Activity Fees

  • Payments/Replenishment for Breakfast and Lunch accounts

  • Payments for Class Trips, Competition Fees, ID/Lanyards, Electronic Device and Technology Fees, Late Fees, Book Fees and other Misc. payments. 

****Please do not pay University fees through this site. Free/reduced lunch does not apply to these fees. Go to the student’s MyFAU account to pay the Transportation Access Fee and any library fines and Owl card replacements.
Note: The tuition is waived the second week of each semester. Please do not pay this amount.****

Please note that the message "Card Not Present" shown at the end of a transaction is a requirement by the credit card companies meaning that your credit card was not physically present during your on-line transaction.

Thank you for using Marketplace